People who live in neighborhoods packed with fast-food restaurants are more likely to suffer strokes, U.S. researchers said on Thursday. They said residents of one Texas county who lived in neighborhoods with the highest number of fast-food restaurants had a 13 percent higher risk of experiencing a stroke than those in neighborhoods with the fewest such restaurants. The study, presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference, does not prove living near fast-food restaurants raises the risk of stroke, but it does suggest the two are linked in some way.
“The data show a true association,” said Dr. Lewis Morgenstern of the University of Michigan’s stroke program, who led the study. But he said it is not clear whether being surrounded by fast food means you eat more of it or that it is simply a sign of an unhealthy neighborhood. “We need to start unraveling why these particular communities have higher stroke risks,” Morgenstern said. “Is it direct consumption of fast food? Is it the lack of more healthy options? Is there something completely different in these neighborhoods that are associated with poor health?” For the study, Morgenstern and colleagues examined stroke data on residents of Nueces County, Texas, between January 1, 2000, and June 2003.
During that time, county residents suffered a total of 1,247 ischemic strokes, the most common type caused by a blocked artery that chokes off bloodflow to the brain. They used U.S. Census Bureau demographic and socioeconomic data to determine the number of fast-food restaurants in each neighborhood. And they compared neighborhoods with the lowest number of fast-food restaurants — fewer than 12 — to those with the highest number — more than 33. They found the relative stroke risk rose 1 percent for each fast-food restaurant in a neighborhood. Morgenstern said public health experts should consider neighborhoods with a large number of fast-food restaurants as prime areas for stroke prevention programs.
“We need to consider targeting communities that have a lot of fast-food restaurants as places where we can improve health,” Morgenstern said. Prior studies have found a link between fast-food restaurants, heart risks and obesity, leading consumer groups to push for laws such as July’s moratorium on new fast-food restaurants in certain Los Angeles neighborhoods.
The food industry often maintains that a lack of exercise is more to blame. Stroke is the No. 3 killer in the United States behind heart disease and cancer. The CDC estimates 780,000 Americans will have strokes this year. Strokes will kill 150,000 people and leave 15 percent to 30 percent of survivors permanently disabled.
Facts about fast foods!
Monday, September 27, 2010Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Discussion, Web News
Are you a victim of accutane?
Who among of you here that was victimizes by an accutane? Are you one of the victims of accutane? Do you need a legal adviser to summon the involved doctor or person who mistakenly give you a dose of accutane? Well, if you are one of those people who needs to have an advice from a lawyer expert on accutane matters better consult now at O’Hanlon, McCollum & Demerath. They are one of the most renowed lawyers in the said matters.
They will help you solve your serious problem about accutane injuries. If you believed that the doctor or person who give you the dose of accutane is by purpose then you have to bring them in the court and must be judge and summon according to the law of the land. You need not to worry if you decide to consider their Accutane Lawsuit services 'cause they are one of the leading and specialized lawyers in the said field.
Aside from that, they been handling several clients already across the globe. Through that they garnered the trust of their customers who keep coming back to ask their opinions and refer them to their family, friends and loved-ones.
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Business, Web Legal License
Pinoy Linky Love!
Hey, WPP Member! You know the drill… if you get a pingback from any of your co-WPP member, add their nick to the list and hyperlink it back to their blog’s URL (if you haven’t done so yet).
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Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Finds
Obesity Facts!
According to Mark Henderson, for those of us who find that a new year means a new hole in the belt and a resolution to diet, genetics can be a comforting science. Where once we would have muttered something about metabolism to explain why our weight balloons while others stay slim as ever, DNA has given us reason to hold up our heads as we suck in our stomachs. Since recent discoveries have shown how far genetic factors influence obesity, “big genes” have become the new big bones.
Comparisons between identical and non-identical twins have found that inherited factors account for about three quarters of the differences between people’s waistlines, and new gene-hunting techniques have revealed some of the DNA variations responsible.
People who inherit one version of a gene called FTO are 70 per cent more likely to be obese than those who inherit another, and weigh, on average, 3kg more. Variations in another gene, MC4R, can tip the scales by an extra 1.5kg. Last month scientists from decode genetics and the international giant consortium have discovered seven more genetic regions that influence body weight.
This is often taken to mean that obese people bear little responsibility for their shape. Rather than lacking the will-power to eat less and exercise more, perhaps their genes have forged thrifty, fat-prone bodies that burn calories reluctantly. If nature can trump nurture like this, the thinking goes, politicians and doctors are wrong to hector fat people about unhealthy lifestyles. They are just prisoners of their genes.
Many people with the “fat” version of FTO maintain a perfectly healthy weight because they eat well and take exercise. Changing lifestyles, too, must lie behind recent obesity trends: genes that predispose to weight gain have not become more common over the past decade, during which child obesity has increased by 7pc.
Most genes that affect health work by raising the risk of an outcome such as obesity, if the right environmental factors are present. Scientists on both sides of the nature versus nurture debate now accept that it is rare for either to act alone. The latest genetic research, however, suggests that the true extent of this interaction is more subtle and fascinating than was imagined. DNA does not just create predispositions that are triggered by environmental influences. It also affects the environmental influences to which we become exposed.
The obvious hypothesis was that DNA alters metabolism, so that some people burn less energy and lay down more fat. As some of the genes involved have been pinpointed, however, it has become possible to work out what they do. And it turns out that most seem not to affect metabolism at all.
Of the seven variants just identified last month, five are active in the brain. They affect obesity not by changing people’s energy balance, but their behavior. They might increase appetite or confer a sweet tooth. They might affect the brain’s reward system – there is evidence that some obese people get less pleasure from food, so eat more to feel satisfied.
If genes affect obesity primarily by boosting appetite that means we cannot lazily blame DNA for an expanding waistline. But it also shows that there is nothing in our biology to stop us from losing weight if we count calories and join a gym. A fuller understanding of genetics can demonstrate just how much control we have over our health. Obesity might well be in your genes, but it is also in your head.
It is becoming clear that the dichotomy between nature and nurture was not the only sterile aspect of that great debate. The very terms are not clear cut. Is a gene that predisposes to obesity by means of appetite an aspect of nature or nurture? It is not just that these forces often work together. They can, at times, mean much the same thing.
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Finds, Web Health Wellness
Faces of Education
Education is a wide topic to discuss. It composes of several subsidiaries that leads to one specific goal. Goal that leads man to dream and keep fighting for the better. Well, to define Education. Education is the basic foundation of knowledge and plays a vital role in everyones success. There would never be professionals like teachers, engineers, doctors, hairstylist, cosmetologist, and some other forms of profession if there were no educatio at all.
Simply because education was the driving force and very essence in uplifting man's personality. It develops enlightens one's mind and perhpas it is the greatest and noblest constructive force ever set in motion.
To cite a specific profession, let cosmetlogist be the sample of profession. Do you think there'll be cosmetologist, hairstylist and beauticians if there's no education? Of course not! All of their God given talents is hone through education and through the help of Regency Beauty Institute who in one way taught them all the techniques and proper guidlines of becoming a versatile cosmetologist.
So, if you guys are one of those people who wanted to become a well-known beauticians and famous hairstylist better enroll your self now at Regency Beauty Insitute and earn the degree for cosmetology to become a certified beauticians. With them, education for cosmetologist is just a click away! This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Education
Hear Something More than music in our Ipod, a sleek and slim gadget almost the size of the cigarette pack that can not only store 10,000 songs, all-important date files and memorable photographs, but also radio shows.
Yes, the iPOd is now becoming a home to the endless chatter of people who simply want to share mundane stories with others who might care to listen. Known as iPodcasting, or simply podcasting, it is a form of mass communication where ordinary people broadcast and share informations via the internet. Podcast are not restricted to any genre. Talk about anything under the sun: news, movies, opinions, daily lives, and personal experience. There’s absolutely no limit and everyone is free to air their own shows.
iPodcasting is clearly a blend of iPod and broadcasting, though it is not exclusive to iPods. A podcast is in MP3 format (standard used especially for digitally transmitting music over the Internet) and the audio player has to be MP3 compatible. To listen to the podcast, the information is first downloaded from a source on the web and is then stored in ones computer. So far, the iPod has been the preferred device of podcast subscribers.
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Technology
How to avoid heart diseases?
Know anyone over 40 who’s a smoker, overweight and hasn’t exercised in years? She doesn’t think heart disease is a risk because, after all she’s a woman and there’s no heart disease in her family. At least not that she knows. But based on these characteristics she has a 9.4% greater chance of developing heart disease than a lean, non-smoking woman her age, regardless of family history.
According to the American Heart Association, 55% of white women, 38% of black women and 34% of Hispanic women know that heart disease is their biggest risk. Most think their greatest risk is breast cancer. But surely it’s ok to be overweight as long as we exercise, right? No, actually, both weight and exercise are independent and serious predictors of risk. Dr. Frank Hu of Harvard School of Public Health found that high levels of exercise did not eliminate the risk of heart disease associated with obesity. And leanness did not counteract heart disease risk associated with inactivity.
Even women who were of normal weight were 1.5 times more likely to have heart disease then were women of normal weight who exercised regularly. So how do we know if we have heart disease? Well, unfortunately, for most women the first sign occurs when they have a heart attack.
And symptoms for women are somewhat different than men. In studies involving women, chest pain may or may not be present. Other common symptoms are anxiety, fatigue, shortness of breath, depression, indigestion, neck and jaw pain and sleep disturbances. As you can probably imagine, it’s easy to miss the diagnosis if indigestion and anxiety are the main symptoms. And to compound the problem, many health care providers think chest pain must be present to consider an MI. Well, we know that’s just wrong.
So what should we do?
1. The first order of business is to be aware that heart disease is a risk for women. In fact, more women die of heart disease then do men.
2. Second, have your blood pressure checked. Many women have not been screened in years. They’re too busy taking care of everyone else. You can’t continue to care for others if you’re sick or worse.
3. Third, stop smoking. Period.
4. Fourth, lose weight if you need to. Watch your intake, cut out excess fat and sugar. Increase fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Think of sugary snacks as poison, not a fun food that you really deserve.
5. Fifth, start moving. Walk, run or swim. Do something besides sit. Get your heart rate up. Take the dog for a walk. He’s at risk too.
6. Finally, access the American Heart Associations website, “Go Red for Women” for facts and information about protecting yourself. We all need to be empowered with knowledge and skills to reduce the incidence of heart disease. Do it for your family and yourself.
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Health Wellness, Web Tips
Christmas is coming to town!
Yikes! Christmas is coming yet another time to share the blessing we received in a year and give thanks to our only saviour Jesus Christ. Have you guys got a plan already for this coming Christmas season? Well, you don't have to hurry things up 'cause you still have a lot of time to prepare specially your Christmas gifts for your Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, friends, relatives and loved-ones.
All you need to do right now is to start planning what to do for the upcoming season, what to give for all of them, what to prepare for Christmas time, what and where to celebrate Christmas. Its better to plan ahead of time rather than planning in hurry manner which may lead to surprised problems. Though we could not say that there'll no problems if we set all those things but st least we are prepared as to how to combat those scenarious in-case.
Anyhow, as for me I'm celebrating Christmas back home. Yepey!... In God's grace and in God's time, I'll be home in Christmas season for my annual vacation and to celebrate Christmas and New Year with them after 2 consecutive years I was out of the country. Misses home so bad!
As of now, I'm preparing things for my vacation soon. Hopefully it all turns out well with big smiles in our faces. I been planning to buy my Dad a watch as I've found a great deal on IWC Watches online. They offer a great deal which really suits on my budget. Hopefully he'll likes it. As for my Mom, I bought her a gold bracelet already and to my siblings, I still have to think what to buy for them. Wish me luck everyone!
Posted by willstop at 9/27/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Personal, Web Reflections
Museums Bring Field Trips to Schools
Sunday, September 26, 2010If it's too expensive or time-consuming to get students out of school for a museum field trip anymore, then why not have the museum come to school?
That's a question that some museums around the country have answered in the affirmative, as decreases in school budgets and increases in paperwork required for field trips have combined to curtail the number of times that students get to go afield.
Never fear, say the staff of a well-known science museum in Boston, we'll come to you. And they have and they do, bringing such things as a portable planetarium into local schools so that teachers can indeed do what they're charged with doing (namely, get their students ready for the next high-profile test).
The planetarium show, a 50-minute lesson on the Sun and the rest of the bodies in the solar system, ties in neatly with the state's physics and space science standards for learning. The show is, teachers and students alike report, compelling. Seeing concepts illustrated in a large-as-life way tends to heighten students' appreciation of the subjects in particular and learning in general, many teachers say.
A similar exhibit from the same museum introduces students to the intricacies of dinosaurs – a favorite topic of youngsters – by facilitating hands-on exploration of footprints and droppings of the giant prehistoric reptiles.
In all, the museum has 14 separate traveling programs, with students and teachers reporting high levels of satisfaction after experiencing the mobile exhibits. The museum plans to exceed 1,000 school visits this year.
Many museums have developed print materials such as handbooks and posters and image- and video-friendly websites showcasing the museums' contents, but the lack of tactile experience is a drawback to many educators. The portable museum concept fills this gap, to an extent that many are happy with.
It's not just Boston, either. Similar "mobile museum" efforts are in business all over the country. Some, like the Boston museum, transport parts of the museum into classrooms. Other museums showcase their wares via video link, which can be as simple as a static broadcast or as interactive as a question-and-answer session.
Then there's Egypt. One museum in South Carolina has made a special effort to take its ancient artifacts to the masses. The mummy doesn't make the trip to schools, but nearly everything else does, including pieces of papyrus and replicas of boys and girls clothes for students to try on.
Under increasing pressure to save money, many schools have abandoned field trips altogether, citing costs of hiring buses, covering museum admissions fees, and possibly even compensating extra personnel for accompanying students to and from school. The other loss, especially for students, is time. The aforementioned 50-minute planetarium show is also just a 50-minute part of a normal school day; by contrast, a field trip to a museum for a 50-minute tour of an astronomy exhibit could last several hours.
With few exceptions, the time that students on field trips spend away from their desks – lining up for the bus, riding the bus to the museum, riding the bus back to school – is not spent learning. If the field trip comes to school, however, it's a class session, during which students can apply themselves 100 percent of the time, including direct followup by teachers on what the students just experienced.
Posted by willstop at 9/26/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web World News, Web News
Travel Guide to Iligan City, Philippines...
Just recently this day I receive a comment from one of the bloggers. He was asking me if I can help him out to arrive at Iligan City, Philippines safely. Well, as a proud Iliganon I told him, Yes I can through this post by explaining it to here what are the thing he need to know before arriving at Iligan City and places that he should not forgot to visit with. Iligan City, Philippines has everything to offer you!
As a known City of Majestic Waterfall’s you have to bear in mind that the most sceneries you can absolutely experience here is the Waterfalls that you could not find in any other place. So, fasten your set belt, just relax and read the rest of the post. I’m sure you’ll really be amazed of all the waterfalls you gonna see and feel at Iligan City, Philippines.
There are lots of ways to arrive at Iligan City. Remember transportation is highly involve in arriving to this place. If you are from the other part of the globe nor a foreigner for to be specific you really have to had this things…
* Secure a VISA to enter the country(Philippines)
* Reserve your flight to Philippines.
* Secure a Hotel Accommodation
* Bring with you your camera, video camera and some other gadgets which you think is useful on your vacation to Philippines.
* Make sure that you didn’t miss anything with you.
But if you are a Filipino who came from other place of the Philippines you just need to follow this one…
* Secure your flight to Cagayan De Oro City since, theres no any direct flight to Iligan City. Besides it will just only took you 1 and a half hour you’ll already arrive at Iligan City by BUS or by VAN. But I highly recommend you to took a BUS ’cause its purely safe.
* If you already arrive at Cagayan De Oro, took a TAXI and told the Taxi driver to send you to BULUA Terminal. He know already were it is. Just beware of high price they ask from you. Most common rate they will ask you is P300 pesos right directly to BULUA Terminal more than that is not good already.
* Fi you already arrive at BULUA Termina, took a BUS which has a sign board either OZAMIZ, PAGADIAN, ZAMBOANGA or ILIGAN. Just either of that 4 they will surely bring you to ILIGAN CITY Terminal 1. Terminal 1 because there are two(2) terminals at Iligan the other one is Terminal 2 bound to South of Iligan City. Make sure you will drop at Terminal . But don’t worry the BUS will arrived first at Terminal 1.
* If you already arrived at ILIGAN CITY, Philippines you can took a TAXI just told him to bring you to available Hotels at Iligan. Here are the list of Hotels you can probably stay at Iligan City.
+ Maria Christina Hotel
+ Jalexis Inn
+ Farrah Hotel
+ Elena Hotel
+ Rene’s Pension House
+ There are some other Inns you can probably see at Iligan but the one I listed here is one of the best and highly recommended. Just told the Driver what particular hotel you will stay. He already know were it is.
Here the possible places you can visit at Iligan City which is the highly visited place by foreigners and local inviduals.
o Specifically located at Fuentes, Iligan City, Philippines. This is one of the eight wonders of the world. This is the supplier of electricity of the whole Mindanao Region of the Philippines. Its better to visit this during time between 10 am to 12 noon or 1 pm to 2 pm. You can ask the guard on duty.
* TINAGO FALLS ( hidden falls)
o Tinago Falls is specifically in between the province of Linamon, Lanao Del Norte and barangay Buru-un, Iligan City. This means that theres a way from Buru-un to the Hidden Falls and theres also a way from Linamo. But I highly recommend you the way of Buru-un. Its more convenient!
o Located on top of a hill within the Mabuhay Vinyl Corporation plant site, the small park rimming a lagoon is a burst of color and life. Visitors can go boating.
o Iligan City’s grandest Christian Catholic Church. On top stands the tallest figure of Senior San Miguel - Iligan City’s patron saint. It also have its beautifully crafted smoked glass of Senior San Miguel visible outside, and the life, death and resurrection of Christ inside.
o Its still under develop by the Municipality of Buru-un, Iligan City, Philippines. Since, it was one of the Falls in Iligan were nobody own it! Due to that, the Iligan City government assumes that it was a government property. A falls just near in my childhood school.
o The two-tiered falls is the country’s, probably Asia’s, highest waterfalls, with a total height of 870 ft. The lower cascade alone is higher than Maria Cristina. It is in Iligan’s eastern part, close to the boundaries of Bukidnon and Lanao del Sur. Situated in the hinterland barangay of Rogongon, it is 54 kms away.
o Located in Bonbonon, 14.5 kms away from the city, is a 65-foot high falls cascading down a concrete-like boulder. Its tranquil, cool water and lush vegetation is a real haven for nature lovers. The pool at the foot of the falls is very ideal for swimming.
Those were just of the great places you can visit with at Iligan City. I highly recommend you all to visit those places. I’m pretty much sure you’ll gonna love it I swear! All you have to do if your already at Iligan City from the hotel were you stay you can took a TAXI and told him were to go from all those places I’ve mention. Theres a jeepney you can took too but you might be confused if you will took a jeepney. Have a great day stay at ILIGAN CITY, Philippines everyone!
Posted by willstop at 9/26/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Travel
Amazing deals on bullion...
Who among of you here that are searching nor looking a reliable provider of gold bullion? or Are you one of those people who wanted to purchased gold bullion online for personal or business concerns? Well, if you do then better grab the chance now to visit e site of United States Gold Bureau ’cause they are the one you been looking for!
They provide a great deal on gold and silver bullion for all their customers. All you need to do is visit their site and purchased at them online. Besides, you need not to worry if you opt to purchased at them simply because they are one of the leading provider of the said product.
Aside from that, they been to this type of business already for several years now.Through that they garnered the trust and loyalty of their customers who keep coming back and referring them.
So, if you guys are one of those people who wanted to buy a gold or silver bullion for personal or business use better visit their site now and purchased at them online. One more thing, if you got some other concerns with regards on their products try to contact them for more informations. Rest assures that with them you’ll definitely owe what you paid for!
Posted by willstop at 9/26/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Business
Siquijor Island, Philippines
Saturday, September 25, 2010Siquijor Island... or Isla del Fuego as the Spanish named it, due to the intensity of fire flies..., lies some 22 KM east of Southern Negros. Easily accessed from Negros Oriental's capital city Dumaguete.
Legend has it that Siquijor rose from the sea during a tremendous thunder storm... sited as evidence is fossils and shells which can still be found in Mount Bandila-an, Siquijor's highest point.
While the coastline is mostly white sand beaches, oceans full of tropical marine life the interiour is mountainous and makes wonderfully interesting day trips by Kiwi`s motorcycles or jeep
Siquijor tourist business is still very much in its infancy - Siquijor Island is not a "tourist trap" - it is a paradise waiting to be explored! Siquijor is full of interesting caves, waterfalls, rivers, rainforests, historic buildings and many, many other interesting sites... - People are friendly and crime remains unknown!
To add to the mystic of Siquijor is the Mananambals or faith healers whom mostly reside in the mountain regions. Still today they are actively involved in all sorts of strange healing practices, some of which is said to use white magic. This is especially prominent during Easter time where they come together to mix their strange portions. When traveling in the Philippines one is warned mostly by Filipinos not to travel to Siquijor for fear of the Mambabarang. Superstitious has it that Siquijor still has so called "witch doctors" capable of inflicting injury or pain by the use of black magic. In reality though this practice died out many years ago.
For those whom are visiting the popular tourist sites in Cebu, Bohol or Negros and want something different... Untouristy, quiet, peaceful, gentle with nature, no crime...just give us a call or e-mail us here at Kiwi and our jeep will be waiting at the pier for your free pick up.
Escape the crowds and relax with us, enjoy what Siquijor and Kiwi have to offer.
The fast Supercat and now oceanjet servicing Siquijor daily offers those with
limited time the opportunity also to experience the magic of Siquijor and Kiwi. - Guests whom need to stay in touch... rest assured with our guest computer you are never far away!
Telephone Number: Tel. +63-35-4240534,
or +63-917-3615997
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Travel
Math, Science Study Gets High-profile Boost
Big Bird, famous CEOs, and the White House are teaming up to launch an initiative to improve American students' knowledge of math and science.
The Educate to Innovate program will devote more than $260 million in public and private funds during the next decade to helping students learn more about STEM – science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Some famous names have been enlisted to help, among them:
* Big Bird, Elmo, and other familiar faces on Sesame Street
* Sally Ride, the first American woman in space
* Antonio Perez, the CEO of Eastman Kodak
* Ursula Burns, the CEO of Xerox
* Glenn Britt, the CEO of Time Warner Cable
* Craig Barrett, former CEO of Intel
* Michelle Obama, First Lady of the U.S.
All of these people have pledged their support, in both time and money, to help American students learn more about the world around them, the way it works, and the way technology can change their lives.
The Educate to Innovate initiative will target both in-school and after-school activities. Time Warner Cable's Science Channel is planning commercial-free programming geared toward middle school students. Engineering and science organizations will provide support and encouragement for a nationwide focus on science in school laboratories, with the prime focus a National Lab Day, planned for May 2010.
Elmo, Big Bird, and the gang will get involved when Sesame Street, as a major part of its 40th-season anniversary, will focus on math and science as never before, with 20 of the 26 season episodes to have a prime component on science and math.
Also involved will be the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the MacArthur Foundation, the latter of which will work with technology organizations to sponsor contests for students to create math and science projects.
Sony will donate 1,000 PlayStation 3 consoles to low-income schools, along with copies of the PS game LittleBigPlanet and an invitation for students to contribute data for an update of the popular game. By:
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web World News, Web News, Web Tips
A gift...
I been always wanting to buy my Girl a fair of precious metals which is made up of gold coins simply because I wanted to surprise here. But I guess, time is not fair sometimes ’cause honestly as of now, our relationship is quite complicated since, she cannot really take a long distance relationship.
In fact, she ask me to have a break for this moment ’cause she couldn’t really take it. I don’t have any choice but to let her go for a while since, I could not also take care our relationship. But if somehow, if we are really meant to be I will really surprised her with a fair of precious metals.
As of now, were both doing fine and I just do hope that everything goes right on the decision we both made. Well, I guess it would also be the best solution to avoid any misunderstanding that would just turn out to a serious problem.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Personal
Web Travel | Marinduque Island, Philippines...
Marinduque is an island province of the Philippines located in the MIMAROPA region in Luzon. Its capital is Boac. Marinduque lies between Tayabas Bay to the north and Sibuyan Sea to the south. It is located south and west of Quezon, east of Mindoro, and north of Romblon.
Marinduque is a heart-shaped island situated about eleven miles from the main island of Luzon. It is 370 square miles making it the thirteenth largest island in the Philippine archipelago. Marinduque is famous for the annual Moriones Festival.Marinduque is an agricultural province, primarily growing rice and coconuts. It is also a place for handicrafts that is now being export in d?fferent parts of the world. Fishing is also an important part of the economy.
Mining was once an important player in the economy until a mining accident (the Marcopper mining incident) occurred, bringing the industry to a standstill on the island. The provincial government has just recently sued Marcopper’s parent company, Placer Dome, for $100 million in damages. Placer Dome was purchased in 2006 by Barrick, who has now been joined in the lawsuit.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Travel
Taking Outdoor Education Up a Notch
Kindergarten outside? For more than recess? Yes, indeed. It's part of a growing worldwide trend toward outdoor education. The schools are called Forest Kindergartens.
The numbers are small so far in the U.S., but the idea is well established in Europe, with schools in Scotland, England, and Switzerland. By far the most such schools are in Germany, which has more than 400 Waldkindergartens.
Some schools feature several hours of outdoor schooling. This is certainly the case with the Waldorf School of Saratoga Springs. Children attending that particular school enjoy a good amount of outdoor education each day, rain or shine. They know to come with layers of clothing because they know that they will be venturing out on the nearby Hemlock Trail to learn more about the natural world around them. Some lessons are focused on nature; others are academic topics delivered in a natural setting. In all cases, students are active — not sitting at desks or on mats on the floor but walking, running, jumping, solving problems like how to get the mud off the bottoms of their shoes before their parents find out.
Seriously, the focus is on activity at these schools. Even lessons on words and numbers involve the children's being active because the teacher leads the class to an outdoor "classroom." All of this activity just has to be good for the children's physical systems as well, and studies have supported just that conclusion over the years (including the fact that children's immune systems actually get stronger after all of the outdoor activity). Other studies have shown that graduates of Waldkindergartens show a higher ability to learn when they progress through their academic careers.
Other schools are all outdoors, al the time. This is the case with the Cedar Song Nature School, on Vashon Island, Wash. Students at this school come dressed for the weather, all right, but they spend their whole three-hour day outdoors, in a private five-acre forest, doing all manner of physical activities but also learning much more than "just what nature has to offer."
The school, begun in 2008, runs four days a week. Organizers, one of whom traded in her law practice to help start the school, hope to expand the schoolweek to five days soon.
At these forest kindergartens, students learn science by observing and doing it, learn math by applying it to the natural world around them, learn letters and words by putting them together using sights and sounds. The children learn to make comparisons using mundane things like pine cones and rocks. (Which pine cone is the largest? Which rock is the shiniest?) They develop an appreciation for animals and plants in their natural environment — not just by looking at pictures in a book or on a computer screen.
Some of the science activities involve teamwork (like demonstrating the best way to move a heavy object (showing how a lever works, anyone?). In other sessions, teachers encourage students to develop their motor skills by building wooden tools such as hammers and cutlery.
These students also learn how to get along with one another, individually and in a group. They also develop healthy levels of self-confidence, just from being able to do the everyday activities that the school offers.
In a time when so many children are being classified as obese because of their obsession with sedentary activities like watching television and playing videogames, these outdoor schools serve as a reminder that before the advent of the "screen mentality," children learned just as much, if not more, from opening their eyes to the (nonvirtual) world around them.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Education
Looking for gold sellers?
Have you ever looking for a gold manufacturer for your personal or business use? Have you been searching a gold coin sellers and that will deal you with some great products? Well, if you do then better have a chance to visit the site of United States Gold Bureau for they are the one you been looking for! In fact, they been in this business for how many decades already due to that their service and products has been tested by so many clients they have.
Anyhow, I guess you need to worry if you will purchased with them ’cause they really got a quality products and services. Besides, opting to purchased a gold is not bad after all in fact this really helps if you wanted to build your own business which is highly inclined with golds such like bracelets gold, necklace gold and some other useful accessories that you can probably sell to those people who are always looking for new ideas.
So, what are you waiting for? Have a chance now to avail their services and products and enjoy every offer they had for you. Enjoy everyone!
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Business
Macromedia Fireworks: Indispensible Web Design Tool
Since its introduction in 1998, Macromedia Fireworks has helped make Web designers more productive. The latest release, Macromedia Fireworks MX, carries on the tradition with even more automation and a sllek new interface.
Like other products in the MX line, Fireworks includes an interface that features better palette docking and a central Properties panel. The reorganized toolbox now arranges tools by function.
This small enhancement points towards a more essential change: modeless editing. Fireworks intelligently switches between bitmap and vector editing, depending on the type of object, layer, or URL you select. Web developers who produce a large number of similar page elements will love Fireworks' new automation features, which includes smarter button symbols and a Data-Driven Graphics Wizard. In this version, a button's text label and URL are considered attributes of the instance(or copy) rather than aspects of the master symbol. This means that you can use one button symbol to populate an entire Web site.
You can now designate text, images, or hot spots as variables. The Data-Driven Graphics Wizard then prompts you to link the Fireworks document to a structured XML file that contains alternative text phrases, replacement image filenames, and different URL destinations. Once you match the variables in the Fireworks template to the tags in the XML document, the program automatically generates variations of the source graphic.
Fireworks can now reconstitute a composition from an existing HTML table when the source PNG file is no longer accessible. And a front-caching feature lets Windows and Mac designers display a Fireworks file, without worrying about font substitutions. The Quick Export function offers preconfigured output options for leading HTML editors like Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and Microsoft FrontPage.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Technology, Web Tips
Quadriplegic Swims Across English Channel
Philippe Croizon lost both arms and both legs in a horrific accident in 1994. In 2010, he swam across the English Channel.
Croizon, 42, of France was standing on a ladder adjusting his TV antenna when the ladder touched a power line. The result was a shock of 20,000 volts of electricity coursing his body. His limbs had to be amputated.
Since the incident, his sense of adventure had gone up a few notches. For example, he jumped from a plane in 2007 wearing only a parachute. Not long after, he set his sights on swimming the Channel.
Two years ago, he was barely able to swim to lengths of a swimming pool near his home of Chatelleraut. He trained up to 35 hours a week to build up muscle and stamina.
Now, he has achieved his goal. Flanked by a full medical team, Croizon completed the 21-mile crossing from Folkestone, U.K., to Wissant, France.
His prosthetic legs had flippers attached. His shoulders propelled his upper body. He breathed using a snorkel. Three dolphins accompanied him for awhile.
He and his crew had allowed 24 hours for the crossing, but he finished it in less than 14 hours. (The world record is just less than 7 hours.)
Croizon had recently written a book about his life since the accident. The book was titled J'ai décidé de vivre (I decide to live). By:
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web World News, Web News
Who wants to buy gold?
Do anyone of you here search great deal on gold bar? or Do you ever want to purchased a gold bar or silver for some specific use? Well, if you do then better have a chance now to visit the site of United States Gold Bureau for they are the one you been looking for! In fact, they got a great offers for you on silver prices that will really burst you up if you happened to know about it!
Aside from that, they also got a great offers on golds depending on your demand. Besides, opting to purchased a silver nor a gold is isn’t bad after all in fact this really helps you satisfy yourself nor this is one of best business you could ever start off if you opted to start a business. Asking why? Simply because silvers and golds is one of the most demands nowadays that some nor most of the people are indulging into it since, they will really got a great revenue on it.
So, if you guys are planning to purchased a silver nor a gold better grab the chance now to visit the site of United States Gold Bureau now and purchased at them online. Rest assure that you won’t really regret if you will purchased at them ’cause they really got a great offers for you and the fact that there products and services is a quality one that will really enable you to be relax and be at ease during purchasing an item at them. Besides, they been in this business already for how many years now that proves them as the leading provider of quality silver and golds.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Business, Web Finds
Computer Tips : How to Disable Yahoo from Tracking You?
As you all know, Yahoo! upgraded its features and the capacities of the mail accounts have grown to 2GB. That's good for sure, but the "monitoring" methods that we all have been far too familiar within the last couple of years have been renewed with this move as well.
Yahoo! is now keeping track of which sites its members that are getting into groups or using Yahoo! services are visiting and storing this data with a method called "Web Beacons". The aim is to give these statistics to the partner companies arranged by agreement and to improve the "advertisement guiding" function.
However, for those who are bothered by this and do not want to be track still a choice. Yahoo! has hidden this option way deep inside somewhere but, I'm declaring it here in case there are people who want it anyway:
1. Go to the address and click the "Cookies" link under the "Special Topics" column.
2. Click the "Web Beacons" link under the "Reference Links" Column.
3. On this page, click the "click here to opt out" link toward the end of the third paragraph under the "Outside the Yahoo! Network" title.
4. After a while, a page that says you have been out of the monitoring program will load. Without doing anything, close that page or continue your usual surfing by typing another address in the address bar. (Do NOT click the "Cancel Opt-out" button, your action will be cancelled!)
5. You're done! Now Yahoo! will not record what you're doing during surfing.
You can let your friends that might be interested to know about this; since no matter how "innocent" it may seem, it's still a violation of privacy.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Discussion, Web Tips
Floodwaters Still Crippling Pakistan
Pakistan continues to be inundated by flooding and suffering.
In the third month of the worst flooding in the country's history, nearly 17 million acres of prime agricultural land still lie underwater, their potential for producing food growing dimmer with each passing day. That lack of food potential spells a continued grim picture for the millions of people left homeless and hungry by the continual rains. International aid from governments, corporations, charities, and individuals has come in at a steady pace; but the number of needy continues to outnumber the number of dollars of aid sent.
The death toll has exceeded 2,000. More than a million homes have been destroyed. Nearly 20 percent of the entire country lies underwater.
Diseases such as cholera have been reported in the wake of the flooding, as conditions already barely sanitary have deteriorated. Entire families and villages have been forced to vacate their homeland and live in unfamiliar areas and conditions. Struggling to find new sources of food and safe water, these people are having to make choices, at times neglecting such basics and medical care.
According to estimates by the World Health Organization, nearly one million Pakistani women will give birth in the next six months and many of them will experience birth complications directly related to the floods and their aftermath. Many women marooned by rising floodwaters have been unable to make needed visits to medical facilities; other women have made such journeys anyway, putting themselves and the unborn children they carry at risk, such as by walking through unsanitary water or undergoing journeys of more than 20 miles one way on foot. Other women have found it a challenge to eat enough to feed both themselves and their unborn children in the last weeks and months of pregnancy. Many women have given birth already in unsafe conditions, some without even a wrap for their newborns.
The country's electrical power infrastructure lies vulnerable, as does the country's fragile efforts to combat the infiltration of opportunistic elements from neighboring Afghanistan, where a fierce war is still being waged between the Taleban and international forces led by the United States.
The worst of the monsoon season is already over, and Pakistani officials hope that the worst of the flooding is behind them as well. By:
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web World News
Excited for my annual vacation!
I know that its still too early to prepare for my annual vacation this coming December. But I can’t wait to prepare all the things that I need to do. In fact, I don’t really know if I have something to buy for my whole family as my Christmas gift ’cause honestly it was so expensive here in Abu Dhabi though I was planning to buy my Mom and Dad a pair of gold and likewise my younger Bro and Grandma who already ask me back last year yet I’m not certain to buy each of them due to the fact that it was really expensive.
If it happens that I’ll gonna buy for Mom of course I must also have a gift for the rest of them and the things is I might be out of budget if will do that. Sigh… What should I supposed to do?
Any suggestions everyone? Anyway, I actually bought some stuffs for my other siblings like a pair of shoes and clothes for my younger Sister whose in grade 5 now and was asking me to buy her a pretty dress for her Christmas party. Some t-shirts for my older Brother and Dad and some chocolates. And my Mom was asking me to buy gold coins for her. In fact, I even had a shipping boxes already where I put all the stuffs I buy. Of course, its not possible for me to carry it all by myself and so I need to send it through package.
As of now, I'm preparing a lot things for them. I know that they never ask anything from me as they say nothing important this coming Christmas as long as I am there celebrating with them. But still not convince… Well, I still have time though… Wish me luck everyone!
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Personal
Laptop Tips & Tricks...
Are you bored of using the same old technology of your laptop and disturbed by its day by day decreasing speed? Then it is the right time to have your laptop upgraded! But before you proceed with upgrading, you should search for all the criteria that needs to be upgraded to give a new look plus more capacity to your laptop. Several things can be upgraded in laptops such as, memory, the video card, the processor, the hard disk etc. Therefore it is essential for you to be sure of your motive for upgrading your laptop.
Starting from the memory or the RAM (random access memory), you can upgrade this very easily by opening a partition in the laptops bottom. Here you can add to or remove the memory. The RAM can be decided by you at the time of the purchase of the laptop. However, there is a similar RAM contained in the laptop so that you can utilize it when you feel you need to upgrade your laptop memory. You may be able to install it yourself, but if you are not sure of how to do it seek the help of a skilled technician.
Together with the memory you can upgrade the video card of your laptop too. The newly manufactured and hi tech laptops offer these options to the user. However, this was not so easy or not available in the earlier designs of laptops. For upgrading laptops with their video cards you will have to buy a new and better chip to replace the old one as it was said before, not all types of laptops have such facilities for replacement. If you are not sure about yours, you should consult your manufacturer about this issue.
Like the memory and the video card you can enhance the hard disk drive too. Based on the manufacturer, you have the opportunity of upgrading the hard disk size. You can choose to change the hard disk by going for the larger sizes and in that respect the best thing will be to consider the external drives first. The external drives are the USB drives and though this may hamper the portability of the laptop, it is still considered to be good.
Considering the given information, it is clear that upgrading laptops is not a very difficult task. However it is true that in certain instances the help or the suggestion of the manufacturer or skilled technician is a must. Otherwise if you are familiar with the type of laptop you own, then nothing should prevent you from upgrading it by yourself.
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Rubble Constant Reminder of Haiti Quake
Eight months after a devastating earthquake killed hundreds of thousands of people, Haiti's capital area remains inundated with rubble.
The greater Port-au-Prince area still bears a tremendous number of reminders of the January 12 7.0-magnitude earthquake, in the form of devastated buildings still dominating the landscape. Only 2 percent of the rubble created by the quake has been cleared, according to international officials.
More than a million cubic yards of rubble has already been removed, but the earthquake left tens of millions of cubic yards of ruined buildings in its wake. Among the hazards remaining are buildings still teetering, bricks still falling at random moments, and sidewalks still straining under the weight of entire buildings being dumped onto them.
Hampering cleanup efforts is, most notably, the lack of a single driving force in charge of the effort. The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission has signed off on a rubble removal plan for just six neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince, but even that set of events can't be completed because the neighborhoods haven't been chosen yet.
Also presenting a hazard to cleanup is a property records system that was in shambles before the quake struck. Removal crews have, in most cases so far, insisted on getting owners' permission before removing buildings reduced to bricks and mortar. If the people who owned those buildings died in the quake or left as a result of it, then permission to remove the razed materials might be difficult if not impossible to be found.
Another part of the uphill battle is that even though roads to the port have been cleared and heavy equipment has been brought in, many roads within the city and surrounding area are unpaved and inundated with mud, potholes, and other telling reminders that the wet and hurricane season followed the quake.
Tellingly, many Haitians are cleaning up their own rubble, one wheelbarrow at a time. By:
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web News
Do anyone here plan to start a business?
Planning to invest for a new business? If you do why don’t you try to indulge in a computer related businesses? or How about gold coin investing too? Well, whatever business you want to start off bare in mind that it takes some flexible knowledge to pursue your plans.
Remember, there are several factors to consider before putting up your desired business off and on the web. Basically, you need to consider those factors whether or not ’cause in the end you’ll be the one to benefit from it and likewise your subordinates will benefit too.
Anyhow, if you already have an idea as to what type of business you want to start better yet to consult it first to those business friends you have for you to have an idea where to start and what to do. Likewise, I highly recommend you to consider gold coins as an investment 'cause you'll definitely have a great profit to earn from this type of business. You may visit the site of United States Gold Bureau 'cause they the one who offers a great deal on gold coins.
So, if you guys are one of those lucky people who can afford to invest for business better take sometime now to research for the best business of you may consider investing gold coins. Good luck!
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web Business
Americans Still Lagging in Fruit, Vegetables Consumption
Despite considerable advice to the contrary, Americans still aren't eating enough fruits or vegetables every day, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
A new study has found that only 32 percent of Americans surveyed reported eating fruit at least twice a day. An even lower 26 percent reported eating at least three vegetables a day. The CDC consulted hundreds of thousands of Americans nationwide. The same survey done in 2000 found percentages of 34 percent (fruits) and 26 percent (vegetables).
The questions asked were these:
1. How often do you drink fruit juices such as orange, grapefruit, or tomato?
2. Not counting juice, how often do you eat fruit?
3. How often do you eat green salad?
4. How often do you eat potatoes, not including French fries, fried potatoes, or potato chips?
5. How often do you eat carrots?
6. Not counting carrots, potatoes, or salad, how many servings of vegetables do you usually eat?
The study reported that California residents ate the most fruits and Tennessee residents ate the most vegetables. At the bottom of the tables were Oklahoma (fruits) and South Dakota (vegetables).
The fruit most consumed, according to the survey, is fruit juice, specifically orange juice. The champion vegetable, the survey found, is the potato (which many nutritionists consider a starch, not necessarily a vegetable).
Nearly all recommendations for eating healthy food include targets of eating five fruits and vegetables a day, with the daily fruits target being at least two and the daily vegetables target being at least three. Most dietitians and nutritionists recommend a mix of different kinds of fruits and vegetables. By:
Posted by willstop at 9/25/2010 0 comments
Labels: Web News